Making sure your puppy’s food is pure quality

There are some basic rules that will benefit your new puppy. The first one is to make sure you have introduced him to your local veterinarian and he has had his injections.

The next important rule is to choose his puppy food carefully.  The dog breeder should have told you his current diet and you should change that slowly to avoid upsetting his stomach.

The correct diet and nutrition for a puppy is based on quality food with ingredients and vitamins that is important to your puppy’s good health.

Good food helps your puppy to grow into adulthood with strong bones and muscles

Manufacturers of dog food list all their ingredients on their tins or packaging.

The main ingredient is at the top followed by the weight.  Added vitamins should be listed in order of merit.

The main thing to remember is to choose food that has a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals while being low in fat.

Always choose a product that is clearly marked for a puppy as that product will contain extra vitamins for your pet.

At mealtimes dry food can have some pieces of meat added as a treat.

Semi-moist puppy food is not too wet but contains a certain amount of water added to its contents.

Tinned meat can be used on its own (not too much) or mixed with dry food.

