A puppy’s tail tells a story

When you take your puppy for his first injection with your local vet the first thing they check is his weight, followed by an inspection of his body, eyes, ears and mouth.

The vaccines that your vet gives to your puppy will add a small amount of disease in his body. This will help your puppy’s immune system to kick in and defend him and will remain at full strength for about a year.

Pet owners of puppies and adult dogs should consider taking out pet insurance as a precautionary measure.

While all this has been happening in the vet’s surgery your puppy will have been lovingly staring up at you with his tail wagging away to his heart’s content – although it might pause whilst the vaccination is done.

If you take your puppy or dog to a vet when your pet is off colour he will check that he is wagging his ‘happy tail’, for obvious reasons.

It has been said both puppies and adult dogs wag their tails for a variety of reasons including the normal happy greeting for their owners and of course at mealtimes.

A puppy recognises their owner by his or her odour, due to a human body’s sebaceous glands sending out a scent that is considered smelly.

Puppies and adult dogs both have sensitive noses that allow them to sniff out a trail belonging to their owners and other dogs in the area.

If a puppy is not happy or is confused he may lower his tail until he realises you are not mad at him.

