Allergic reactions to puppy vaccinations

Yesterday we published an article about why your puppy needs his first vaccinations as soon as possible, but some people do worry about how their puppy might react.

Most veterinary surgeons have their own schedule regarding your puppy’s vaccinations.  They will have based their ideas on their local knowledge of the diseases common to your area.

Though modern vaccinations have saved thousands of lives there some puppies that have had allergic reactions to a vaccine.  Reactions generally just make your puppy feel listless for a couple of days but in the odd rare case, and we stress rare, they can have an anaphylactic shock.  The symptoms of shock may be your puppy starts to limp or have a thyroid problem.

It is important to stress there is more of a risk of your puppy catching a disease and dying without vaccinations than dying because of a reaction to a vaccine.

You may enquire at your veterinaries office if you are able to sit with your puppy after the injection for half an hour until you are happy there is no reaction to the vaccine.  If this is not possible take your puppy home and keep a close eye on your puppy until you are satisfied he is fine.   If any problems do occur then go back to the vets quickly.

