Belgian shepherd follows his noses to loving new home

The team at the Dogs Trust re-homing centre in Uddingston, Glasgow will soon bid farewell to a dog named Snuffles, who will be re-homed in East Lothian with a new family next week. What makes this story all the more amazing is that the pup was born with two noses.

When the Belgian shepherd was brought to the home, boss Pamela Jackson and the rest of the team immediately fell in love with the unusual looking canine. Initially, Snuffles’ rare defect affected his ability to find a new home, with potential owners unsure about the problems it could cause as he matured.

However, following rejection by four owners, adoption offers poured in from around the world after a team of staff issued an appeal to find him a home. This plea caught the attention of people as far afield as the USA and South Africa, but it was a local dog-lover who eventually took Snuffles for a walk and took to him enough to adopt him.

Jackson was thrilled to receive in excess of 40 messages and 20 calls from interested adopters. Speaking about the rare congenital defect, she said:

“I’ve never seen the condition in my 20-year career. We wanted to pick the best home for him.”

Having got to know his new owner, the young pooch is ready to start his new life and will no doubt make the most of the reported acre of land he now has for his frolics.

