Buster dies leaving Paul O’Grady devastated

OGradyBusterYesterday, Paul O’Grady’s beloved dog Buster died of cancer.

The 14 year old shih tzu-bishon frise cross was a regular on Paul O’Grady’s chat show on Channel 4 and popular with viewers.  Lately, Buster hasn’t been appearing on the current TV series because of his age.

After being diagnosed with cancer, Buster reportedly appeared to be in a lot of pain and vets recommended he was put down.

A spokesperson for Paul told the media the TV star was ‘absolutely gutted’.  He said:

“Paul is absolutely devastated. It all happened suddenly.  Buster had been suffering and in a lot of pain. Putting him down was the kind thing to do.”

Buster has been with Paul O’Grady for a long time since the TV chat show host found the stray dog on the motorway.  He sat on Paul’s desk show after show as Paul went through the viewer’s mail and then after the first 8 – 10 minutes, Buster would leave as the studio lights became too strong.  Buster was so popular with viewers that a Nodding Buster toy was created and given as a prize.

Last week, Paul told viewers that Buster had retired and two of his other dogs, Bullseye and Olga, took over his role.

The Channel 4 website has a special Buster page that states:

“Having grown up on the Big Breakfast Show and Lily Live, he’s happiest on television.  The only downside to being on the show is all the baths he’s made to have, as he’s happiest rolling around in the dirt on Paul’s farm.”

Dogs become a great friend and companion for their owners, so our thoughts are with Paul.


  • Paul if you ever read this , what can i say other than i am so sorry and really devastated for you . Buster will always be a legend dog to me , in my opinion as he always use to make me laugh and smile when he came on your channel four show , just like you did and still do , i will always remeber the memories of seeing you and buster on tv and how they were fun days. I am gutted that he as had to be put down but i know im not as gutted as you and i really feel sorry for you , buster , your family , your other dogs and everyone else that loves / loved buster .

    R.I.P. Buster , I Love You 🙁

    P.S. Paul you did the right thing , the kind thing to let Buster be put down with all the pain he was in and i respect you for having the guts to let him be put down , but paul he will always be with you in your heart and im sure of that

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