Choosing a wheelchair for your dog

Mostly when we think of wheelchairs we visualise in our mind one that helps a person to become both confident and independent.
Wheelchairs or ‘dog carts’ for pets are now allowing our canine friends to experience the same advantages as people.  Each wheelchair has to be individually designed for your dog.

Skilled people or companies are able to build an individual dog cart to suit a pet’s individual requirement.  Your dog will be measured as his size, weight and medical condition has to be taken into account.  A dog wheelchair is made out of durable materials that can withstand most conditions a dog has to face.

In this modern day, mobility equipment means your dog can still enjoy his doggy walks, playing with his pals or chase a ball in your garden.

If you are wondering how to obtain more information for your area, then your local veterinary surgeon may be able to help.
Other avenues to explore for more information are your local animal shelter, dog breeders and veterinarian schools.

You may like to show your chosen product to your vet and discuss with him the suitability in regard to your pet’s medical condition. Always check a company’s references before ordering.

