Crunch time for dogs and their owners

It has been reported that due to the credit crunch thousands of people are losing their homes. However, the smallest members of families are also losing their homes, the family pet dog.

The reason for dogs losing their homes is due to a shortage of money to pay veterinary bills and the insurance premiums for pets that are soaring sky high.

Battersea dog’s home has reported an increase in the numbers of people wishing to re-house their pets compared to this time last year. At the same time the number of people providing new homes for dogs has decreased dramatically.

A veterinary bill can average about three hundred pounds a year for a dog and if there is a more complicated condition the cost can run into thousands of pounds.

It is wise to check out the insurance that you are paying monthly to see what the policy actually covers you for. Sometimes the insurance offered will be only for one ailment, and if the dog suffers anything at all that may be connected to the illness already treated the insurers will not pay out.

Once you have made a claim there is every chance the premium you are paying will increase at the end of the year’s contract.

The Dog Trust has a booklet on how to feed dog’s dry food instead of tinned dog food and other cost saving ideas for anybody worried about the cost of keeping their dog.

