Dog and owner reunite after many years apart

It is the kind of story you very rarely hear but Jean Muslun from the Ramsgate area is bouncing with joy after being reunited with her pet dog Libby.

The incident has occurred a staggering six years after the two were separated during a stroll on the Ramsgate promenade in 2006. Ever since, Jean has held Libby close to her heart and has taken Mother’s Day celebrations very seriously, due to this being the day when the dog was seized.

Despite search parties flocking to the popular seaside area in the days and weeks following the incident, no trace of Libby was found. Numerous posters were spread around the local area and involvements with the local papers led to no discovery, leading Jean to lose hope.

Speaking of her heartbreak, Jean said:

“I used to look at all the found, lost and reunited dogs on DogLost and just cry my eyes out.”

Just when she gave up looking for her long-lost companion, Jean received a phone call informing that the new ‘owner’ of Libby had passed away.

Pushing away her anger and frustration at the theft of her dog, Jean prepared herself to welcome the canine back into the family home. If it wasn’t for Libby’s neighbours sensing something was not quite right, the trip to Blackheath vets which saw Libby’s microchip being linked to Jean may never have happened. Now, Libby is making the Muslun family very happy after the passing of Brody, their Staffordshire bull terrier cross, who was laid to rest 13 days before the discovery.

