Category: Corgi

May 24
Corgi dogs escape decline in popularity following Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

The Corgi breed has always been closely related to the Royal Family, with the year…

Feb 04
Corgi promptly rehomed prior to opening of Dogs Trust

One lucky dog that needed a home has been granted his wish by the kind-hearted workers…

Mar 22
Florence Bechelet and the case of the missing Corgi

There’s nothing worse for a dog owner than finding that your beloved dog has run away…

Jul 20
Basset hounds and corgis share same ancestor

An article in the Telegraph stated the study is due to be published in the journal…

May 26
The Queen to stop breeding corgis

It is the end of an era as the most famous person in the world to champion the Corgi…

Apr 02
Corgi dog star wanted

Corgi dogs with the potential to be a star are being called to audition for a guest…
