Category: German shepherd

Jul 02
German Shepherd Breed Profile

The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) is a medium to large dog breed well-loved the world…

May 23
Tumour detecting dogs sniff out new cancer diagnosis

Dogs can be trained to spot prostate cancer, a medical research hospital has…

Dec 04
Goose transforms rescue dog from mighty to mellow

Rex, a German Shepherd rescue dog who was once labelled as “dangerous”, has surprised…

Oct 23
Hero dog to be awarded for saving young owner’s life

People will soon gather at the House of Lords to watch a dog from Essex receive an…

Jul 10
Dog lover develops innovative canine gadget

A devoted pet owner from San Francisco has developed a piece of wearable equipment…

Nov 14
Barking all the way to the blood bank

Millions of people donate blood on a regular basis as a way of helping those who might…

Oct 10
Dog on a quest to go from fat to fit

Tilly, who is a Border Collie mixed with a German Shepherd, was recently taken in by…

Sep 05
Two dogs survive after 60ft cliff fall incidents

Lifeboat volunteers had their work cut out on Saturday, September 1, as two dogs…

Dec 28
European dogs derive from some Asian breeds

New research has shown that the origins of dog breeds in the western world are…
