Category: Miniature Schnauzer

May 21
Allergic to dogs? All is not lost

Many people suffer from allergies which affects some, or many, of the lifestyle…

Sep 22
50 Cent threatens his dog with a knife on Twitter

Rappers are known for their dogs, but usually a rapper’s dog is a big, powerful breed…

Aug 12
Which dog breeds are best for allergy suffers?

A person can be afflicted with an allergy at any stage of their lives. Whereas someone…

Jun 05
Miniature Schnauzer Breed Profile

The Miniature Schnauzer is a stylish show dog who loves family life. With an excellent…

May 20
Who will be Over the Rainbow this weekend?

It’s the live final of BBC’s Over the Rainbow this weekend, where the three remaining…

May 15
The Miniature Schnauzer has a big personality

The Miniature Schnauzer is one dog that really loves people. They will run around and…
