Category: West Highland Terrier

Sep 22
West Highland Terrier Breed Profile

West Highland Terriers are cheerful little characters hailing from Scotland. Their…

Nov 22
Traditional dogs fall out of favour in UK

Following on from the news that the Alaskan Malamute has experienced the sharpest…

Aug 20
Top 5 UK Soap Opera actors who own dogs

I have to make a confession: I’m not a huge fan of soap operas. My knowledge of…

May 16
Parkinson’s disease cured by dog

We’ve already reported on how dogs are being used to fight Cancer, and how a boy with…

Feb 15
Twilight star Robert Pattinson has a new love

While his character in Twilight, Edward Cullen the vampire, may not have a beating…

May 10
Pet dogs get ‘high’ off neighbours cannabis

A pensioner discovered a neighbours’ cannabis farm after her pet West Highland terrier…

Apr 07
Dog’s nomination for special warning bark

One amazing dog has been nominated for a respected award for his devotion to his owner…
