A dog that was rescued from dog fighting in Afghanistan needs a new home. ‘Bear’, the year old dog now lives in West London, as he was rescued by ‘Nowzad Dogs’, a dog’s charity. Staff at the Mayhew Animal Home are hoping that a loving family can be found for the dog.
Paul Farthing, an ex-Royal Marine, rescued Bear before he actually fought, but he had already had his tail and his ears removed, which is common practice for fighting dogs. Bear sat in quarantine for 6 months before arriving at the dog’s home.
Sgt Farthing crated the dog’s charity, named after his pet dog, when he saw dogs fighting for entertainment in Helmand.
Thankfully we got to Bear before he’d had his first fight, but he’s had his tail docked and his ears chopped off already.
He’s a great, lovely bear of a dog with a fantastic temperament.
It is sad that so many animals are affected by war, especially in Afghanistan and to be able to help just one is a reward in itself and a huge step to highlighting the undocumented suffering that animals in all war zones are subjected to.
A spokesman for the animal home, Christopher Sainsbury, stated:
Bear’s a fantastic dog. He’s huge – more than six foot when he rears up.
He will be great pet for someone. He will need a home with a large garden so he can run about.
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