Dog wheelchair gives new lease of life

disabled-dog-wheelchairAn eleven year old dog with two paralysed limbs has got a new lease of life thanks to her very own dog wheelchair.

Rio lives in New Zealand and her two back legs were paralysed just three months ago following a complication during an operation on a compressed disc in her back, but thanks to her owners, she now has a set of wheels to keep her going.  According to Rio’s vet, Alan Probert, this is just another example of how far a growing number of dog owners will go to help their beloved dog.

Probert said:

“Rio’s wheelchair cost $700. It was shipped over from the States and it’s given her a new lease on life.”

Rio’s owner, Marg Coleman, commented:

“She goes everywhere. She uses it a bit like a four-wheel drive. She’s not aware of the wheels behind her.  When we put her in it she just was happy. It was almost like she was free again so it’s been a huge part of her healing process.”

The wheelchair isn’t the only help Rio is receiving as she also received a weekly session of acupuncture and has physio and electrotherapy sessions, resulting in one large vet’s bill.

Probert added:

“People are more prepared to look at physiotherapy, hip replacements cancer treatments, you know all of those things as options to give quality of life to an older animal these days.”

As Rio’s owner, Ms Coleman herself admitted, some people look at her as though she’s absolutely crazy spending that sort of money on a dog, but if it means Rio can get back the use of her legs, then she feels the money has been well spent.

There was no mention in the newspaper of the dog insurance and presumably their pet insurance isn’t footing the total bill.  More and more dog insurance policies in the UK and other countries do include alternative treatments and with such advances in medicine now available to our dogs it is little wonder that dog insurance is becoming more expensive.  Whether your opinion is the same as Ms Coleman’s or whether you just want to cover your dog for basic vet’s bills, it is important to ensure your dog insurance provides the cover you want and need for your dog.

