FAQs – Listing With Us​

Below we address the most commonly asked questions when it comes to dog breeding:

How do I cancel my subscription?

To view your active Dream Dogs subscriptions, navigate over to the Subscriptions tab on your dashboard. Any active subscriptions may be cancelled, but will not be eligible for a refund.

What is the refund policy?

Dream Dogs operates a no refund policy. Subscriptions may be cancelled at any point but will not be eligible for a refund.

How long will it take for my listing to be posted?

All listings must be manually reviewed by our team, and are typically approved within 1-2 working days.

What should be included in my listing?

You should include a brief description of your dog that you, yourself, have written – no AI (artificial intelligence) created content please. You should also include an up-to-date photo of your dog, along with any certifications and their stud fee.

Do you have further questions?

If you have any further questions that aren’t answered above, please contact us here.

FAQs – Dog Breeding

Below we address the most commonly asked questions when it comes to dog breeding:

How many litters can a dog sire?

There are no lower or upper limits as to how many litters a dog can sire. The quality of the sperm count, and the number of times the dog’s owner allows their dog to mate, will both affect the number of litters sired. Males remain fertile even into old age, so they could, theoretically, sire thousands of litters, although this would be exhausting and isn’t advised.

How many attempts does it take for a dog to fall pregnant?

A bitch can fall pregnant from the first attempt, providing both the male and female are sexually active. Female dogs come into heat approximately every six months, and they are fertile during these times. Some misconceived ideas suggest that a dog cannot fall pregnant during her first mating attempt, however, this is incorrect.

How many times can a dog mate in a day?

A stud dog can mate multiple times a day, however, the sperm count decreases with every subsequent attempt. It’s widely considered unwise by experienced breeders to allow a dog to mate more than once a day, and some breeders limit mating to even less frequently in order to maximise the likelihood of the stud impregnating the female.

Which dog breeds produce the largest litters?

Labrador Retrievers are known to consistently produce the largest litters; however, Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, German Shorthaired Pointers and Poodles all boast similarly sized litters, with seven to eight pups on average. The world record for largest litter is held by a Neapolitan Mastiff, who gave birth to 24 puppies in 2009.

How old does your dog need to be before it can stud?

On average, male dogs reach sexual maturity at around six months old; however, smaller dogs become fertile from a younger age than larger breeds. It’s advisable to wait until the male is over a year old before he mates for the first time to ensure good fertility and maturity.

How do you earn more for your stud dog?

A healthy stud dog with a high sperm count is desirable if you’re considering your dog for studding. Pedigree dogs registered with the Kennel Club are in high demand, and many bitch owners will pay extra if your stud has successfully sired several litters.

How much should a stud dog fee cost?

The fees for a stud dog vary, with healthy, successful sires costing more than new stud dogs. Rare and pedigree breeds can be quite expensive; however, “designer” cross breeds, such as Cockapoos, can also cost a lot. Expect to pay, on average, between £100 to £1,000 depending on the popularity of the breed, although some stud owners will charge the price of one puppy.

How do you pay for a stud dog?

It’s important for a contract to be drawn up between the owners of the stud and bitch, so all agreements are in writing. Usually, a deposit is agreed upon and paid prior to mating, with the remaining balance finalised after the pregnancy has been established, although different breeders have different fee terms.

How do you know what to charge for your stud dog?

If your stud has sired healthy pedigree pups during previous mating attempts, your dog will be considered desirable, and you can increase the fee accordingly. A champion show dog with a strong pedigree will also be worth more as a stud dog than a male being mated for the first time.

How do you know if a dog mating has been successful?

During a successful mating, the male and female dogs will become physically joined together, which is known as locking or being tied – the length of time can vary from several minutes up to as long as an hour. Sometimes, the dogs become uncoupled before the tie, resulting in a slip mating. Even slip mating can potentially result in a pregnancy, and a vet will be able to confirm whether or not the bitch is carrying puppies.

Do dogs need help to mate?

Females can often become distressed during mating, and if she moves around too much, this can result in the stud being unable to lock inside her. It’s important for the female’s owner to keep her calm and ensure she stands still for a successful mating to take place. Supervision of this stage is essential.

How do you know which puppy is the ‘pick of the litter’?

The best puppy of the litter should be an ideal size – neither underweight nor overweight. A shiny coat indicates a healthy dog, and the eyes and ears should be clear and clean. Check the skin, teeth and gums, also ensuring that the gait is normal. Ideally, a puppy should be confident and approachable, with no obvious abnormalities.

Can you get a refund if your dog mating is unsuccessful?

Usually, the owner of a stud will offer a repeat mating if the first attempt was unsuccessful. It’s unlikely that a full refund will be given if several attempts have taken place and the stud dog has performed correctly. It’s important that a contract is drawn up in advance that both parties agree with, and this should cover the eventuality of an unsuccessful mating.

When is the earliest you can take a puppy from the litter?

Puppies should remain with their mother for at least eight weeks; however, some experts advise that it’s preferable for pups stay with their litter until they are 12 weeks old.

How long does it take for a dog to give birth?

Giving birth can take several hours, up to a maximum of 24 hours. The first puppy is usually born within 20 to 30 minutes of the first contraction.

How long is a dog pregnant for?

On average, most dog pregnancies last 63 days, or around nine weeks. As with any pregnancy, however, the length of gestation can fluctuate, with anything between 58-68 days considered normal. Although rare, premature labour can be caused by stress, injury, illness or genetic disposition, and this can result in some or all of the puppies being stillborn or having abnormalities.

Does my dog need to be Kennel Club registered in order to stud him?

To ensure a strong pedigree, it’s important that your dog is registered with the Kennel Club. It is not illegal to breed an unregistered stud, however, most bitch owners will be looking for a high-quality example of the breed, which can be determined by registration paperwork.

Do you have further questions?

For any further questions that are not covered here, please submit a query via our contact form.
