Golden Labrador undergoes operation to remove swallowed toys

Chester, a 21-month-old Golden Labrador, was thanking his owners that he was covered by pet insurance after he underwent an operation to remove a toy cow and a toy frog. Marian and Neale Stribling, the owners of this playful pup, had their fears alleviated after the staff at Cromwell Vets in the Huntingdon area successfully performed an emergency procedure to remove the toys.

The Golden Labrador encountered the incident after consuming the toys on two occasions, after mischievously stealing them from some of his other pet pals. Mrs Stribling said she was in ‘total shock’ when Chester first swallowed a toy on a day out at Jubilee Park in Huntingdon. It was thanks to Marian and Neale spectating on the incident that they voiced their concerns to a vet.

At Cromwell Vets, staff discovered the toys to be sitting in Chester’s stomach. Due to the size of each individual toy, the Golden Labrador would have been unable to pass the items without the help of an operation. Although Chester is now safe after the highly trained vets treated him with special care and attention, the situation could have been much worse.

The Stribling’s are thankful that they took out pet insurance on the young pup and received the operation at no cost, because without this coverage they would have faced vets bills of up to £1,000. Since Chester swallowed the toys separately and underwent two separate operations, his owners are now keeping a close eye on their lively little dog.

