It’s the season to be scary and drape your house in cobwebs (unless of course you already have cobwebs in your house, in which case you’re all set). It’s Halloween, and children will be calling round very shortly demanding sweets in exchange for not throwing eggs at your door and covering your car in flour.
Isn’t it wonderful?
For dog lovers though Halloween has a very different meaning. Halloween represents the time of year to dress your dog up in a series of bizarre costumes, whether you plan to take them trick-or-treating or not.
Luckily, mostly thanks to the American market who love their dog accessories, there is a wealth of dog Halloween costumes for you to buy for your dog, including Star Wars costumes such as Darth Vader and Yoda, and some pretty nasty looking haunted outfits too. You could try a costume like the one above that features a headless horseman on top of your dog.
Be scary, be original and let your dog join in the Halloween fun!
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I would to buy the headless horseman costume for my dog. PLEASE PLEASE let me know where I can order the same as the photo above