How to spot the onset of cherry eye in a dog

cherry eye in dogsCherry eye‘ is the term used by vets when your dog’s third eyelid becomes prolapsed, giving the eyeball the appearance that it has sunk.
The collapse of the third eyelid exposes the delicate tear gland, which can cause a degree of dryness but more pressingly exposes the tissue to dirt and unwanted bacteria.

The result is the blood around the skin tissue is not allowed to flow properly, which is an essential function of a dog’s eye.

Unfortunately, when one eye becomes infected there is every chance that the other eye will also become infected too.

Most of the dogs that have this condition can be given well-known remedies that can be administered at home or at their local veterinarian’s surgery. In most cases Cherry Eye is not considered life threatening.
Here are some tips:

• Massaging with a course of antibiotics can help if used as soon as there is a slight show of Cherry Eye; it is advisable to take your pet to the vet as soon as you notice it.

• Your dog may have to undergo surgery and will need aftercare to stop him from scratching at his eye; a cone dog collar comes in handy as it prevents him from being able to reach their eye.

When bringing home a puppy, take extra care to lightly wipe the eye area gently every day with warm water. Consider asking your vet for more information on Cherry Eye and the usage of a tear stain product. The breeds of dog that are susceptible to this painful condition are St. Bernard’s, Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, Terriers, Bull Terriers and the smaller breeds such as Lhasa Apsos, and Shih-Tzus.

