All breed of dogs rely on their owners to keep them in good health as they reach the various stages of life, especially as the years pass by and they reach seniority.
Senior dogs require more of a dog owner’s attention with regard to their health, as many problems tend to go unnoticed until it is too late.
The larger breed of dogs have a reputation for showing signs of aging earlier than the smaller breeds; a smaller dog can stay reasonably mobile up to 10 or 12 years of age.
Different breeds of dogs can face a range of health issues; some of the most common health problems for a senior dog are as follows:
It is important to look out for tell-tale signs of aging, such as your pet not running up the stairs, taking longer to get in and out of his dog basket, and inflammation of the joints, which could be a symptom of arthritis. Your dog may also take longer to recover from illness, as his immune system struggles to keep up.
A vet will be able to prescribe drugs to help ease the discomfort that your pet is feeling.
A dog owner should also take the time to have his pet’s eyes and ears checked out regularly, as being one step ahead of the game where health issues are concerned will help your dog to feel more comfortable in his old age.
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