Keep your dog cool to keep him safe

Dog-friendly organisations everywhere are reminding dog owners to keep their dogs cool over the summer months to avoid losing their companion.

The RSPCA in particular has publicised their statistics from last year showing they received over 3,000 telephone calls from public concerned about 4,589 dogs in hot cars all over the UK, particularly in supermarket car parks or outdoor events.

Already, during the hot weekend at the end of May the RSPCA took a total of 175 calls about 237 dogs.

Dog lovers may recall the horrific tragedy from last year at the Appleby Horse Fair where two dogs were sadly cooked alive in a car where their body temperatures were shown to be more than the maximum reading the thermometer could show at 42°C (108°F).

This summer’s events are ready to get into swing and the RSPCA has issued an appear to remind people it isn’t just cars that are a danger but also caravans and even conservatories.

Mark Evans, Chief Veterinary Advisor to the RSPCA, said:

“Leaving your dog in a car, even on an average warm, and even cloudy, summer’s day, can put your pet at huge risk of suffering, and even death.  This is not a new warning, but sadly too many people still don’t appreciate how dangerous it can be to leave a dog in a hot car, conservatory or caravan. Don’t let your dog be the one to find out the hard way.”

For dogs, heatstroke can be fatal and the RSPCA Keep Dogs Cool campaign has some valuable information and surprising facts for dog owners.

