Liz Hiorns reunited with lost dog

Last week we wrote about 72 year old Liz Hiorns and her Jack Russell named Penny. Liz’ dog Penny ran away from home and was taken in by a rescue centre, before being sold to a new family as she had no microchip and no collar. Despite Liz contacting the rescue centre, they refused to contact the new owners claiming it was against their rules, and Liz faced the prospect of never seeing her dog, who she had been with for 11 years, again.

Liz reported Penny’s disappearance at the time to Stratford District Council, but they lost the details and the dog was subsequently rehomed when it was found.

All’s well that ends well though as Liz and Penny have now been reunited.

Liz Hiorns had to take matters pretty far however, even launching a £4,000 legal fight to get her dog back. The dog cost the new owners just £80 when they bought it from the rescue centre, and on the day before the case was due in court they gave in and returned Penny to her rightful owner.

Mrs Hiorns commented:

I’m absolutely delighted, thrilled to have her home.

The last month has been extremely stressful but I am just so relieved it is all over. I will certainly be keeping a close eye on Penny in future.

This should never have happened and I am very angry with the local council who were too quick to palm her off onto someone else.

Meanwhile, Stratford District Council has apologised for their mistake – a mistake that saw Penny sold to a couple when she already had a loving and caring owner. A spokesperson for Stratford District Council added:

This is the first time such an incident has happened and the district council regrets this and will use its best endeavours to ensure this does not happen again.

Sadly, the district council picks up a number of dogs weekly and scans the dogs routinely for identification in the form of a microchip or any other distinguishing marks.

Unfortunately on this occasion the missing dog, Penny, had no form of identification and was found with an eye infection covered in fleas and ticks.

There are lessons to be learned but the council assures the public that they make all reasonable efforts to reunite stray dogs with their owners.

The district council is currently reviewing its procedures and considering putting photographs of stray dogs on the website in the future.

Penny is now delighted to be back home with her owner, on the farm.

