A lucky driver survived when he crashed his car on the M1, in Yorkshire, and ploughed down a 40ft embankment. The driver, who was driving his Ford Focus with his two pet dogs, was cut free from the crashed car by firefighters, who branded the man and his dogs very lucky to be alive.
It has been revealed what exactly happened with the forty-year-old motorist who crashed his car near Blackburn, on the M1. The man is currently in hospital in Sheffield, recovering with spinal injuries.
Bob Haddrell from Elm Lane station stated:
This car was heading north on the M1 when it somehow came off the motorway and drove or flew down the embankment and landed nose end on to Grange Mill Lane before ending up in its roof.
Landing like that probably saved the driver from going on into some buildings. He is a very, very lucky man.
When the fire brigade arrived they found an adult Alsatian guarding the wounded man inside the car, and a puppy wandering around on the road. The fire brigade cut through the crumpled car to rescue the ma, and both dogs were rescued by the pet ambulance.
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