My dog smells bad

dog_bathA dog that has not been bathed or groomed for a few weeks will probably announce his presence before he enters the room via the medium of smell. When you know that your dog is ‘smelly’ you must realise that he feels as uncomfortable about it as you do – and it is high time you gave him a bath.

Some dog owners are very good at grooming their dogs and, in some cases, bath time is a weekly occurrence. Some dog owners are not so good at it however.

If your dog smells it is time you bathed him, no matter how difficult that may first appear!

Do not show your dog that you are nervous about bathing him as he will sense you are panicking and worry. Your patience will pay off after a few attempts.

  • Have the doggie towels, doggie shampoo and doggie conditioner ready with a large plastic jug
  • Invest in a good dog shampoo and conditioner and do not use toiletries that are made for humans – these could harm your dog

If you have a large active dog such as a German shepherd for example, one which is always running around outside and getting muddy, then there is a chance he will need more than one bath in a week. However, these breeds of dog, with their smooth coats, may last for a couple of weeks before they require a bath – so long as they don’t dive into any muddy puddles.

Smaller dogs, such as a poodle with their short hair, may need bathing every week.

All breeds of dogs will benefit from regular grooming and brushing. Both short hair and long haired dogs look great and feel healthier after you have lavished attention on them.

It is not just about making your dog smell nice (although that is important if you want regular visitors to your home), it is about making sure your dog remains in good health.

