Poodle Stud Dogs

Browse our Poodle Stud Dogs

Are you looking for the perfect Poodle stud dog? At Dream Dogs, the very best Poodle stud dogs in the UK are listed on our website. You contact the stud dog owner direct, by email or telephone.

Poodles are known for being affable and versatile, faring equally well as companions or working dogs. This breed is divided into three sizes, each well suited as family pets. Here’s some useful information about Poodle stud dogs.

Finding a Poodle stud dog: what should you look for?

What are the average fees for a Poodle stud?

Average stud fees for Poodles are between £200-£500, depending on the specific breeder and size of the Poodle.

Three tips for finding a Poodle stud:

What is the average litter size of Poodles?

A Toy Poodle’s average litter size is three puppies, a Miniature Poodle’s average litter size is five puppies and a Standard Poodle’s average litter size is six puppies. Their length of gestation is usually around 63 days.

Latest Blogs & News Featuring Poodles

Here is a selection of blogs, news and articles about Poodles.

Poodle Breed Profile

Poodles have a long history, dating back many centuries. The Poodle is the only breed of dog divided into three official sizes, known as Toy,

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Poodle Breed Profile

To discover more about the Poodle dog breed, have a look at our Poodle breed profile. We have compiled lots of useful information about the Poodle, such as caring tips, feeding advice and information on famous Poodles.

Jun 09
Poodle Breed Profile

Poodles have a long history, dating back many centuries. The Poodle is the only breed…
