The dogs Easter chocolate threat

easter-dog-productsRecent statistics released from the Veterinary Poisons Information Services have shown there has been a 27 per cent increase over the last twelve months in the number of cases of dog poisonings.

Prime time for dog poisoning cases is Easter and Christmas, and with Easter just one week away, one vet from St Helens has issued a warning to dog owners.

Andrew Batty, a surgeon at Rutland House Veterinary Hospital in Sutton, stated:

“A small amount of chocolate can cause a problem, particularly dark chocolate as it has a high cocoa content – it is potentially a very poisonous issue.  Every Easter and Christmas, we see an increase in the number of cases. If a dog eats dark chocolate, it could start to vomit immediately and, within 12 hours, may have seizures which could be fatal.”

Dog owners are not always aware of the threat of chocolate to their dogs, especially owners relatively new to owning a dog.  Human chocolate contains a natural compound found in cocoa beans called theobromine, which is fatal for dogs.

Even a small amount can cause damage to a dog, which could suffer anything from severe stomach pains and vomiting and could die.

On the bright side, if you really cannot resist those puppy eyes and want to give your dog a gift for Easter, then there are plenty of specially made doggie chocolate products, such as Easter eggs for dogs or Easter biscuits available from pet stores or just give him his favourite treat or a new toy.


  • […] Wishing a Happy Easter to all our readers and their dogs today!  No doubt there will be children and adults alike all over the nation chomping their way through plenty of chocolate today and although we certainly don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, don’t forget the threat that human chocolate causes harm to our beloved dogs. […]

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