The dogs of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Mojo in TransformersThe Hollywood blockbuster Transformers Revenge of the Fallen was released last week in the UK, with some of the best special effects ever put on film. However, despite the wonderful Transformers created by special effects team Industrial Light and Magic, the presence of dogs couldn’t go unnoticed in the movie, as director Michael Bay is such a huge fan of his dogs.

The fist canine star of the film is the returning pooch called Mojo, a Chihuahua who appeared in the first movie with a broken leg. In the second Transformers movie, Mojo has a French bulldog to keep him company, who he seems to want to mount at every opportunity.

Interestingly enough, in the first film Mojo was supposed to be a bulldog because one of the writers on the film had a bulldog named Mojo when they were younger, but Michael Bay decided at the last minute that a Chihuahua would be funnier.

Mojo and his bulldog friend aren’t the only dogs in Transformers 2 though, as Megan Fox’s character Michaela Barnes is joined by one of Michael Bay’s own dogs, pictured here.


Sadly there are no actual Transformers who are dogs, but there is Ravage, who is a canine-esque Black Panther, and a very dangerous dog indeed.

