Counselling dogs ease exam stress

dog_studyingThe Americans are generally first with dog trends and fashions and it seems the latest may be using ‘counselling dogs’ or ‘counselling canine’ to ease the stress of exams for students.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison reportedly has said that dogs are to brought to the school to help students preparing for their final exams.  The dogs are to be on hand this afternoon from 3.30pm under the supervision on University Health Services staff according to The Capital Times of Madison this week.

Students will be able to play with dogs as well as talk to counsellors for advice on how to get the most from their study time.

UHS Counseling and Consultation Services student relations manager, Rob Sepich, said:

“Taking brief study breaks, even five minutes an hour, can reduce stress and help you recall information.  Some of the most successful students I know have made sleep their top priority.  Forget the all-nighter and you’ll probably reap the benefits of sleep on your exams.”

Funny, he didn’t mention the dogs..

