Owning a dog is good for your health

The welfare charity the Dog’s Trust has conducted research into dog ownership to discover the impact that owning a dog has upon people. It found that being a dog owner was very beneficial to their health.

The Dog’s Trust identified nine different areas in which owning a dog was good for you. They were:

  1. People who own a dog tend to visit the doctors less frequently
  2. Dogs reduce stress in the home
  3. Dogs also help to reduce blood pressure within their owners
  4. Dog owners who go for ‘walkies’ tend to be healthier than people who don’t own dogs
  5. Dogs help children develop and learn better, particularly those with learning difficulties
  6. Dog owners tend to have a better immune system
  7. Dog owners who suffer from heart attacks tend to recover much faster
  8. Dog owners don’t suffer from depression as much as non dog owners
  9. Dogs with special training can protect their owners against a variety of ailments, such as epileptic fits and cancer tumours

The findings show that if you want to stay fit and healthy, the gym isn’t the answer. The answer lies in your pet dog!

