Top tips on how to spot the onset of dog flu

dog fluAnimals are similar to humans in the way that they tend to pick up the seasonal viruses that happen during the year.

Canine influenza, or dog flu, is the strain of flu that can affect your dog at any time. Dog flu is contagious; one small cough from a dog can easily pass it on to other dogs.

Greyhounds have suffered in the past, and valuable horses have been subjected to illness over the past few years. However, it shows that all animals can be affected and it is essential that precautions are taken while watching for the symptoms.

Wild birds have been identified distributing this unwanted disease. Their droppings can be a source of contagion, and so it is best to keep a pet dog away from bird droppings.

It is advisable to feed wild birds in a corner of a garden away from the area where your pet loves to play. The most obvious symptoms of an infection are signs of a temperature, a cough or a runny nose. Be wary not to think that it will clear up in a couple of days; your canine pal will very likely need veterinary attention.

Top tips:

  • Try to avoid parks that have large numbers of dogs.
  • Do not allow other dogs to play with your pet’s toys.
  • Check that grooming centres are sufficiently ventilated.
  • Always keep your dogs water bowl full of fresh water.
  • Wash your hands regularly before and after handling or playing with your dog.

If you are leaving your dog in a boarding kennel or a day care centre, make sure they have an infection control routine available along with an emergency veterinary surgeon on hand as well as your telephone number.

Areas where you keep your pet should be keep free possible sources of infection, and be sure to disinfect your floor and wash your pets paws regularly.

