It is the law of the land that all dogs must wear an identity tag of some description. Most owners of dogs tend to purchase the standard dog tag; one that is round in shape or one that resembles a dog bone.
The inscription on a dog tag can be a name and telephone number, or the dog’s name and the owners address details.
There are a number of specialised firms that will keep your dog’s details on a register; a telephone call with an identity number will show up the address details required for a speedy reconciliation of owner and dog.
It is important to remember that, if moving home or having changed a telephone number, to change the details on your pet’s dog tag as well, or at least purchase a new one.
The one product that stays with an adult dog for a certain length of time is his dog collar, as a second precaution it is easy to stitch details of a telephone number onto the collar band.
Parents of small children often have to stitch name tags on their children’s school uniform, the same idea can be used for your dog.
Tags can also be made on a specific tag making machine. You first choose your template and type your desired text. You can do this at many national pet stores.
Doggie note: Make sure the dog tag is tied to the dog collar and does not restrict your pet’s breathing or swallowing.
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