A woman who had a webcam set up to keep a watchful eye on her pet dog saw more than she bargained for when she caught a burglar red handed.
Claire Bevins, 23, bought an iPhone app which linked up with her home computer to enable her to see what her terrier Callie was up to. When she logged on to see what her pet was up to, she was instead greeted by an intruder who was nonchalantly rifling through her bedroom in search of valuables.
Miss Bevins, of Denver, Colorado, immediately rang the police. Sadly, by the time officers got to her house, the burglar had made good his escape. However, as he was unaware that he was being filmed by Miss Bevins, the hapless thief didn’t conceal his identity. She said:
“There’s so much stuff that he could have taken, it’s so odd that he didn’t take it.”
As a matter of fact, after taking his time in looking through her drawers and checking under the covers of her bed, the burglar stole several items, including two iPods, which were worth no more than a few hundred dollars.
However, the officers investigating the crime aired the video footage on TV, and have now made an arrest. The alleged thief has tried to explain his actions with a strange excuse – he claims that he didn’t take anything as he just walked around and looked in the house. Miss Bevins pointed out to officers that the video clearly shows him taking something from her room, and that some of her possessions are missing.
The case is shortly to go to trial, but there’s one thing that any judge and jury would agree with – Callie is not a very good guard dog!
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