A dog that had suffered crippling abuse on the streets of Romania has now found a new home in England.
The mongrel, called Lillie, has recently been introduced to a new home in Brightling following a nine month search. Lillie, who is now enjoying a happy and healthy life, had been left badly hurt after being stabbed, beaten and pumped with diesel on the streets of Romania.
Unfortunately, this is a regular occurrence in the country, where no animal protection laws are enforced.
Lillie’s new owner, Lynda Free, has taken in Romanian rescue dogs before, having just said goodbye to the 27th pooch that she has cared for: Emily.
Emily now lives with Annie Rodgers, who said:
“These dogs need a little extra special care.”
Free has been rescuing and re-homing dogs that have been abused for four years. She began after meeting Oache, a one-eyed dog who had been seen begging for food in the car park of a supermarket. Following a three-year stay in a local shelter, she adopted him.
Oache and Lillie both now live with Free and are in good health. She said that an important part of the dog’s training process involved helping them to once again trust humans.
Although her efforts are making a positive impact, the endemic problem still needs to be tackled. Currently, she is attempting to put a stop to the traumatic gas chamber endings that most stray dogs in Romania face.
You can get more information about Mrs. Free’s efforts by calling: 0142 483 8580.
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