Ozzy Osbourne loses pet dog to coyote

Ozzy Osbourne lost one of his pet Pomeranians to a coyote this week in the grounds of his mansion in Los Angeles.

The Pomeranian was called Little Bit, and was attacked on Tuesday.  Reportedly, Ozzy Osbourne and wife Sharon Osbourne were watching the Michael Jackson memorial on television so did not hear the attack taking place.

On Twitter, Kelly Osbourne said that her father Ozzy:

“is devastated – she was his other woman”

Animal lovers may recall that in the late 70s, Ozzy Osbourne made the headlines as he was physically removed from a record company’s offices when he bit the head off a live dove to get their attention.  He is also known for, in 1982, having bitten the head off a bat that he stated he believed was ‘just rubber’ when he performed in Iowa.

Ozzy has also previously admitted that whilst he was highly addicted to drugs, he shot the family’s cats, saying:

“I was taking drugs so much I was a wreck. The final straw came when I shot all our cats. We had about 17, and I went crazy and shot them all.”

Ozzy and wife Sharon have eighteen dogs at their mansion.  Sharon Osbourne is known for her love of animals and is a regular visitors to the LA stray dogs home, often giving homeless dogs a home in her mansion.

The Department of Animal Services in LA have issued guides for dog owners in Los Angeles to help them guard against coyote attacked, issuing a statement saying:

“Wild animals are opportunistic, and coyotes fit this mould very well”

This is not the first time the Osbournes dogs have faced trouble from coyotes.  Back in 2003, Ozzy rescued one of their Pomeranians, Pipi, from a coyote and previously, their black Chihuahua, Lulu, was killed in an attack by a coyote.

Surely by now, you would have thought they’d have learnt their lesson and kept their dogs safely under watch?

It is well known how much Sharon and Ozzy love their dogs, and many will remember the story of how Sharon was looked after by her white Pomeranian Minnie whilst she was ill with cancer, but perhaps they have too many dogs to look after them properly.


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