Woman sues man for killing her dog

LEGAL Dog 112286A woman is suing an ex neighbour over accusations that he killed her dog and dumped the dog’s body in her garden. Sixty-year-old Tricia Wales has raised £1,600 to make her private claim after the RSPCA said they wouldn’t prosecute the man accused of killing the dog.

Tricia Wales is prosecuting a former neighbour, Neville Hill, who has already admitted to hitting her dog, a five-year-old border terrier, with a hoe. He claims he killed the dog after he found it in his garden, but as the dog didn’t suffer, the RSPCA say they will not prosecute.

Mrs Wales claims that her dogs were playing in her garden when she went out, when Mr Hill killed her dog:

Hill said that my dogs got into his garden, that they were circling his hen coop and distressing his animals. There was a horrendous dog fight which culminated in him hitting Wurzel with a blunt instrument.

Mr Hill claims he didn’t mean to kill the dog and placed the dog on her doorstep because she was out at the time.

Hill states:

The dog wasn’t dead when I put her on the doorstep. It was still breathing and I simply thought she was concussed. If I had thought she was seriously injured then I would have called a vet.

If I had wanted to kill the dog, I would have used the sharp end of the garden hoe but I didn’t. I didn’t even aim a blow at the dog. It was just to scare her off my old dog.

The hearing is on Friday.


  • Just read the comments ‘ my dogs got into his garden, they were circling his hen coop and distressing his animals. There was a horrendous dog fight which culminated in him hitting Wurzel with a blunt instrument.’ Dont forget, three of her dogs were attacking his elderly dog. Who is to blame?,,,Its her fault…

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