Boxer dog rescued by fire-fighters after slipping through ice

A two-year-old boxer dog suffered a mishap on Sunday February 7th 2012, as he slipped through the ice on a frozen reservoir in Clatto County Park. The cold conditions that has seen the United Kingdom dusted with snow over the weekend seems to have caused a problem for the dog, who required the assistance of fire-fighters to rescue him from the cold depths of the broken ice. This is just one of a number of similar cases that have happened as a result of frozen lochs and reservoirs.

The owner of the boxer dog made an attempt to reach and retrieve the dog on her own. Despite her efforts, a call was made to Tayside Fire Service who made an appearance at the scene and made use of sleds and ropes to save the dog. After 30 minutes of struggling, the boxer was brought to the surface, safe and sound when East Kingsway Fire Station members aided in the rescue. Although the dog was said to be extremely cold and rather exhausted after the ordeal, the pet was transferred to a vets nearby, where treatment and care was given.

With the landscape around the United Kingdom looking extremely beautiful and breath-taking due to the freezing conditions, Keith Dyer, who is a station manager at Tayside Fire Service offered some advice to people hoping to make the most of the countryside. Keith Dyer said:

“Whilst we do not wish to discourage people from enjoying the countryside it is important that the public are aware of the hidden dangers.”

